About me
Katja Kek
Katja Kek has been helping organisations manage challenging and complex communications issues for over twenty years. She has worked as a consultant in major communications companies and as the director of corporate communications and management in a leading Slovenian retail company.
She has carried out and participated in over 200 communications projects. Many of them have been awarded in Slovenia and abroad.
Her business partners are leading Slovenian companies, international corporations in Slovenia, interest groups, non-governmental organisations and the public sector.
She is a member of expert commissions and international and domestic professional organisations. She contributes to expert research in the field of communications and reputation. She is a regular speaker at industry events.
She currently works as an independent strategic communications consultant. She helps companies, interest groups, and the public sector manage strategic communication challenges and opportunities. Her main focus is supporting organisations in change management, corporate branding and reputation management, as well as employee communications.
years of experience in corporate and marketing communications, reputation management and corporate branding
completed communications projects
of the largest Slovenian companies
Experience in agency, corporate and entrepreneurial environments
Slovenian and international awards for excellence in communication
Systematic and structured approach
Combining theoretical knowledge and practical experience
years of experience in corporate and marketing communications, reputation management and corporate branding
completed communications projects
of the largest Slovenian companies
Izkušnje iz agencijskega,
podjetniškega in
korporativnega okolja
Slovenske in mednarodne
nagrade za komunikacijsko
Sistematičen in
strukturiran pristop
Preplet teoretičnega znanja in praktičnih izkušenj